
Settling in at 7+/8+

Settling in at 7+

Located in a separate building with its own garden space, we offer our youngest pupils a safe and secure environment in which to thrive.

Our focus in the Lower First Year is to support the boys as they learn to explore their new surroundings, develop their talents, and become thoughtful, independent young men.

Most lessons are ‘home periods’, taught in the classrooms in Colet House by the Form Tutors. A classroom assistant is also on hand to provide extra help, either for one-to-one support for small group work. For the rest of the timetable, specialist teachers deliver their subjects in dedicated teaching areas: Science, French, Music, Drama, Forest School and PE & Games. Our aim is to inspire intellectual curiosity, broaden the boys’ horizons and foster a love of learning.

Outside the classroom we offer a vast array of extra-curricular activities, including Aikido, Chess, Lego, Sudoko, sports clubs and many more. There are also several trips and workshops throughout the year, including an initial teambuilding day in the first full week of the school year, a Christmas trip to the pantomime and a Science trip to Barnes Wetland Centre in the summer term.

With full days, we try not to overload the boys with homework. During the week boys will focus on reading and a little bit of Maths or English, whereas the weekend’s homework is likely to come from one of a wide range of subjects.The homework diary provides valuable two-way communication between home and school. Parents’ evenings and reports are important, of course, but parents are encouraged to contact Form Tutors, or the Head of Year, whenever they feel a quick chat is necessary.

Settling in at 8+

In the Upper First Year we ensure that new boys settle seamlessly alongside those coming up from the Lower First.

Although pupils receive some specialist teaching, the Form Tutor delivers over half of the lessons and provides the caring and stable atmosphere that enables boys to adjust to life at St Paul’s Juniors. A classroom assistant is also on hand to provide extra help, either for one to one or for small group work.

Upper First Year boys are based in four parallel classes, all situated together in one corridor. This is very much their own domain. The 7+ ‘old hands’ act as mentors to the new boys to aid settling in. Specialist teachers deliver some subjects in dedicated teaching areas: Science, French, Computing, Art, Music, Drama, Forest School and PE & Games. Form Tutors teach the boys for the rest of the curriculum. We want to inspire intellectual curiosity, broaden the boys’ horizons and foster a love of learning. At the end of the year boys move up to the Second Years well prepared for a more senior school routine where they are taught by subject specialists.

Outside of the classroom, the boys can enjoy a vast array of extra-curricular activities including chess, aikido, Lego, Sudoku, sports clubs and many more. There are also several sporting fixtures throughout the year, regular Forest School sessions, a number of trips and workshops, and the Upper First Year Play to keep everyone busy. This combination of lessons and extra-curricular activities give pupils a full day, so we do not like to overload them with too much homework. During the week the mainstay of prep is reading and a little bit of Maths or English, whereas the weekend’s homework is likely to come from one of a wide range of subjects. The homework diary provides valuable two-way communication between home and school. Parents’ evenings and reports are important, of course, but parents are encouraged to contact Form Tutors, or the Head of Year, whenever they feel a quick chat is necessary.