
Trips – Age 7-13

Educational trips and visits provide truly memorable and enjoyable experiences for pupils.

Educational trips and visits enrich learning and provide some of the most memorable and enjoyable experiences for pupils at St Paul’s Juniors.

Term-time activities include: teambuilding workshops and residentials; a buddy trip to Kew Gardens; visits to places of historical interest in the local area and beyond; theatre visits; visits to Barnes Wetlands Centre and a zoo; a study of the River Thames and a week-long Science and Geography field trip to the Lake District.

Onsite activities include History, Art, French and Nutrition workshops; French plays and author visits.

In the school holidays, there are a number of exciting trips on offer. In recent years teachers have organised visits to NASA’s Kennedy Space Centre in Florida, San Francisco and Silicon Valley, Iceland and an annual Easter ski trip to Europe. In addition to this, members of the Sports Department organise a number of residential trips abroad, including annual pre-season rugby training, occasional football and tennis training and participation in the Prep Schools Annual Ski Championship. Closer to home, we offer daytime holiday sports camps to pupils of all abilities, using our excellent onsite facilities.

Geography trip to Iceland
Cricket Tour
History workshop
Science trip to NASA in Florida
Theology & Philosophy trip to Holy Trinity, Barnes
Computing trip to San Francisco
Upper Third Residential
Theatre Trip
Upper Third Residential
Upper Third Residential
Cricket Tour